It has been argued that generational calculation was a standard way for early historians to come up with dates, and many students find this lack of a clear chronology very frustrating. Herodotus counts by generations, for example the kings of the Mermnads dynasty, ruling from c.680 - 547 BC in Lydia, form the background for Book 1: Gyges, Ardys, Sadyattes II, Alyattes and finally, his son Croesus who we look at in some detail. Extrapolating from these individual records, we can provide rough BC dates for the majority of events that take place in Herodotus’ ‘The Histories’. Local time systems were used, notably based on the names of individuals who held some political magistracy such as eponymous archons (chief magistrates in various Greek city states) or who were in religious office. In the 15th, the 48th year of the priestess-ship of Chrysis at Argos, in the Ephorate of Aenesias at Sparta, in the last month but two of the Archonship of Pythodorus at Athens, and six months after the battle of Potidaea, just at the beginning of spring, a Theban force. “The 30 years' truce which was entered into after the conquest of Euboea lasted 14 years.

See, for example, Thucydides, 'The Peloponnesian War', Book 2, Ch. Though the four-yearly cycle of the Olympiads provided some orientation, the Greeks didn’t really have a common system for recording dates. Code).Chronology in ancient Greece under Creative-Commons licenseĬroesus, from an Attic vase, held in the Louvre, Paris This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Military History Podcast is sponsored by Armchair General Just like China seems to be becoming now (over the US).įor more information, read: History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides Swept down and became the new superpower (over both Sparta and Athens), After the Peloponnesian War, Thebes (the former third power) So, the analogy isn't perfect, but it is still accurate in most Sparta destroys the entire Athenian Navy at the Battle ofĪegospotami (Problem: USSR never defeated the American Navy decisively)Athens surrendered to Sparta (Problem: The US won the Cold War) Sparta launches a successful, massive land invasion againstĪthens (Problem: USSR never fought USA over Europe). Sparta/USSR's sphere of influence and fails miserably (loses lives and Sicilian Expedition/Vietnam War: Athens/USA attempts to contain Provides support to revolutions in Athens/USA's sphere of influence. Results in a stalemate.Pylos Campaign/Suez Crisis: Athens/USA intervenes in territoryĬlose to Sparta/USSR in order to gain an economic and politicalĪmphipolis Campaign/Cuban Missile Crisis: Sparta/USSR sneaks into the Athens/USA sphere of influence and creates an outpost.Aegean Sea Propaganda Campaigns/Third World War: Sparta/USSR With Athens/USA over intermediate territory (Corinthian Isthmus/Germany)Archidamian War/Korean War: Sparta/USSR engages in a land war Skirmish briefly over intermediate territory (Corinthian Persian Wars/WWII: Sparta/USSR and Athens/USA were originally allied in the fight against Persia/AxisPentecontaetia/Berlin Blockade: Sparta/USSR and Athens/USA Thebes/China: Weaker third power allied with Sparta/USSR Sparta/USSR: communist, totalitarian, powerful army, supported by numerous smaller states (Peloponnesian League/Warsaw Pact)Initially led by Archidamus II/Stalin: rulers during the expansion of their respective nations' geopolitical status This first episode covers the beginning through the Amphipolis Campaign/Cuban Missile Crisis.Īthens/United States: wealthy, democratic, powerful navy, supported by numerous smaller states (Delian League/NATO)Initially led by Pericles/FDR: rulers during the expansion of their respective nations' geopolitical status Since most people knowĪbout the Cold War, since it was so recent, I will summarize thisĮpisode via comparisons between it and the Peloponnesian War. Similarities to the Cold War are numerous.

It was an epic war between two superpowers, and the The Peloponnesian War was fought by Athens and Sparta in the late 5thĬentury BC.